About Me

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I am a dancer and holistic therapist with a passion for textiles,colours and embellishments. I've always dabbled in crafts but my voyage into costuming through my obsession with Tribal belly dance has really made me burst with ideas. This blog is to help me gather all my woolly wanderings into one place and also to record my crafty doings.

Monday 19 November 2012

Colours to dye for

A bit of colour inspiration

There is something special about the way colours obtained from natural dyes complement each other without clashing. The subtle effects are well worth the extra time it takes to prepare the dye bath.

My favourites are:

Indigo / Woad - Which always gives great results (as long as the correct prep is used). I still find it magical to see the greeny yellow wool turn blue as the dye oxidizes in air.

Madder - Beautiful reds, oranges and pinks.

Gorgeous colours from Peru.

Tuesday 13 November 2012


I have finally found out what that stitch is...

I was chatting with my friend Sarah and she mentioned Aldi were selling DK Craft books for £1. Not surprisingly I hot-footed it down to my local store and managed to get the last copy of 'Stitch - A guide to embroidery.'  I dithered about buying it as I was really after the sewing or knitting book but then I thought a craft book for £1 I'd be daft not to.

On flicking through I discovered a section on satin stitches and variations including the herringbone stitch and on the next page there it was.....

                                   The flat stitch.

I will post some details on the techniques page once I have mastered it.


Ok I admit it, I've got distracted and have been seduced by other craft projects. I warned you this would happen!

The good news is I have finished my practice piece and am feeling brave enough to make a start on my wall hanging. However I still haven't tracked down that elusive stitch.

The temptress who has stolen me away from stitching is a gorgeous Ashford Traditional spinning wheel called Margo. I first met her in Cornwall when visiting my dancing friend Carol. We hit it off straight away and she ran away to live with me in October. Since we met my head has been full of wool and dyes and the gorgeous yarns we can make together. Unfortunately for my other projects this means we have been spending time getting acquainted, although so far this has been limited to short draw worsted spinning.

The dark nights also mean my crafting is limited by the gloom of my sitting room. Even with t' big light on and a lamp it is too dark for needlework. Instead I have been busy knitting a blanket to keep me snug.